Data automation is vital to many corporations, and can be integrated with many functions, such as:
- Personnel/Human Resources
- Client databases
- Much More!
SiSTech, Inc. specialized in custom database design, providing you with solutions that are industry or even department-specific!
We work with many data management applications to provide you with industry standard data management, manipulation, training and reporting.
Do you have information or records that need to be accessible to your employees as well? We can provide a cost-effective solution that integrates your data with your intranet to update as often as your records do.
Below are some of our very satisfied data management clients:
Anchorage YWCA
BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc.
NANA Corporate Services
Anchorage Board of Realtors
Chugachmiut Native Corp.
CHARR, Anchorage
Alyeska Pipeline Service Co.
Webb Consulting – Anchorage Markets
“Your support has been very important to me as a small business person. I have very much valued your professionalism, knowledge and promptness…”
– Gwen Kennedy
Kennedy & Associates
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Services: Web Networking Data Training & Projects Bookkeeping Custom Computers